A Review on Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Regulatory Requirements

  • Rohan Kulkarni Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101
  • Sai Priya Kallepalli Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101
  • Samit Dharia Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101
  • Girish Kamble Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101
  • Madhukiran Parvathaneni Professor, Biotechnology,Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2747-4882


Scientists first identified Human Coronavirus in the year 1965. Then, a study was performed on different human and animal viruses, which were named based on their crown-like appearance. Human coronaviruses are responsible for many children's upper respiratory tract infections. At least five new human coronaviruses have been identified since 2003, including the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, which caused significant morbidity and mortality.1 Per NL and the New Haven, the virus associated with upper and lower respiratory tract disease and likely common human pathogens are identified as the Group-I coronaviruses (SARS- CoV-I). The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-II), which appeared in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, is responsible for Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and causes respiratory symptoms that can feel like a cold, flu, or pneumonia. Geographical transmission of the virus and the sudden increase in cases are much faster than SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). COVID-19 is the first global pandemic caused by a coronavirus causing outbreaks in 211 countries. The vaccine against COVID-19 is an effective prophylactic strategy for controlling and preventing the virus. The vaccine is being developed in about 90 institutions worldwide. This research paper focuses on COVID-19 vaccine development strategies implemented by various institutions and pharmaceutical companies worldwide and regulatory requirements for vaccine approval.

Keywords: Human Coronavirus, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), COVID-19 vaccine development strategies

Keywords: Human Coronavirus, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), COVID-19 vaccine development strategies


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Author Biographies

Rohan Kulkarni, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Sai Priya Kallepalli, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Samit Dharia, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Girish Kamble, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Madhukiran Parvathaneni, Professor, Biotechnology,Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 17101


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How to Cite
Kulkarni R, Kallepalli SP, Dharia S, Kamble G, Parvathaneni M. A Review on Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Regulatory Requirements. JDDT [Internet]. 15Jan.2023 [cited 21May2024];13(1):159-64. Available from: https://www.jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/5868