In Côte d’Ivoire pharmacopoeia the antifungal virtues of the bark of Terminalia mantaly are known. It bark is used to cure affections such as cutaneous candidiasis, gingivitis and diarrhoea. This work aims to compare the anticandidosic activities of the crude extract of T. mantaly and an ointment containing shea butter and the crude extract of T. mantaly. The anticandidosic activity of the crude Shea butter was also evaluated and kétoconazole was used as standards for antifungal assay.
Shea butter, kétoconazole, crude extract of T. mantaly and the ointment were separately incorporated to Sabouraud agar using the agar slanted double dilution method. The anti-fungal tests were performed by sowing 1000 cells of Candida albicans on a previously prepared medium culture. Antifungal activity was determined by evaluating of anti-fungal parameters values (minimal fungicidal concentrations MFC and IC50).
The results of the tests indicate that C. albicans is sensitive to each substance tested, however crude Shea butter has only fungistatic activity and the ointment (MFC= 1.874µg/mL) was the most active. This ointment is 52 times more active than the crude extract of T mantaly (MFC is of 97.5 µg/mL), 208.11 more active than kétoconazole (MFC = 390 µg/mL).
Keywords: Terminalia mantaly, Activity, ointmentDOI
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